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南京惠通达科技事业有限公司 [中文名称] 南京惠通达科技事业有限公司
[英文名称] fy

NANJING UNION MANUFACTURING & TRADING CORP. (ZHENJIANG LIANYI HATS FACTORY) is possessed of abundant experience in manufacturing and exporting hats & caps,scarves and gloves for more than ten years. With the development of international trade, it will prove to be a very effective way for you to establish business relationship directly with the manufacturer, by means of which you may definitely save much time and earn more profits. We, therefore, earnestly wish to join hands with you for further and profitable business development.

For more information with regard to our exporting commodities, please find and see the enclosed CD-ROM from which you will get acquainted with the products we are currently handling. Should, by chance, any of the listed items is interesting to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may rest assured that your inquiry will receive prompt and careful attention; and it is most probably that you will obtain a vey reliable supplier hereafter.

In the meantime, you are most welcome to visit our website: