窦春霞 女士
窦春霞女士,现任Intertek高级技术顾问。窦女士一直从事生态纺织品法规,标准,测试等研究工作,曾多次对各大欧美知名买家及其供应商提供生态纺织品专题培训,测试咨询,技术改进方案等服务,对客户纺织品中的有害物质超标问题进行系统分析,联系实际,提出多种切实有效的解决方案, 例如,pH值不在要求范围内,甲醛含量超标等。 成功帮助各买家有效控制其产品质量,帮助各供应商符合其买家及出口国的要求,从而达到双赢的目的。
Ms. Selina.Dou, is an experienced eco textile expert and was engaged in eco textile regulation, standard and testing study for several years. Selina has taken a role as a trainer for many well-known buyers and their suppliers in helping them control the hazardous substance in textile, answering testing enquiry, providing improvement measures. Selina has put forward lots of effective way in controlling the hazardous substance, such as failure problem in pH value testing and formaldehyde testing, succeeding in helping the suppliers comply with their buyers'''''''' requirement and exporting countries'''''''' regulation, thus, breaking through green barriers.
- 上一篇:都雅丽(emily du)
- 下一篇:Jonathan Orton