首席执行官赫伯特.海勒(Herbert Hainer)说明了锐步交易后的逻辑,以及他为什么把合并后的公司视为一个巨大的进步。
在8月3日宣布这个交易之前,海纳和他的员工和顾问在阿迪达斯的总部巴伐利亚(Bavarian)的赫尔佐根奥拉赫(Herzogenaurach)通宵达旦的工作。之后,海纳立即展开世界之旅向投资界宣传这笔交易的价值,他在法兰克福与《商业周刊》(美国,译者注)的欧洲地区的编辑杰克.艾得文(Jack Ewing)展开了对话,下面是他们对话的节选:
问:有一个概念是阿迪达斯代表了德国的工程师,是跑鞋中的宝马(the BMW),而锐步更多的是街头的时尚,这一点对吗?毕竟,你来自宝洁(Procter & Gamble)而不是宝马。
问:让我们回到这个是如何开始的,你和锐步的CEO保罗.费尔曼(Paul Fireman)是在去年的雅典奥运会上初次相遇的?
答:我希望我们已经从萨拉蒙的并购中了解到什么做对了,什么做错了。公平的讲,在萨拉蒙里面,Taylor Made(高尔夫产品)部分表现得非常之好,萨拉蒙的部分经营得不好。冬季运动和装备业务是与运动鞋和服装完全不同的东西。
(引自Business Week,翻译:Rainpoem)
Adidas:If the shoes fits…
CEO Herbert Hainer explains the logic behind the Reebok deal, and why he sees the combined outfit making great strides
Adidas-Salomon CEO Herbert Hainer may be one of the fittest CEOs in Europe -- testimony to how much time he spends using one of his company s signature products: running shoes. The slender, former semi-pro soccer player needed plenty of stamina in recent weeks as he feverishly put the final touches on Adidas $3.8 billion acquisition of Canton (Mass.) -based sports apparel maker Reebok International (see BW Online, 8/4/05, "Reebok and Adidas: A Good Fit").
Before announcing the deal Aug. 3, Hainer and his staff and advisers worked through the night at Adidas headquarters in the Bavarian town of Herzogenaurach. Then Hainer immediately set out on a worldwide tour to sell the investment community on the merits of the deal. He took time to speak with BusinessWeek European Regional Editor Jack Ewing in Frankfurt. Edited excerpts of their conversation follow:
Q: You ve just done road shows in London and Frankfurt, and next week you ll be doing the same in New York and Boston. What kind of reaction are you getting from investors and analysts?
A: Good, I guess. The best measurement is always the share price, and the share price reacted quite positively. I believe the majority of people are reacting positively.
Q: On the conference call after the deal was announced you mentioned that the acquisition will improve your product development. Are you going to be combining Adidas and Reebok research and development?
A: We definitely will keep the two brands separated but they definitely will share much more information on the R&D side, such as patents or new technology.
Our R&D department is developing more innovations and technologies than we can launch within the Adidas group. You need the money, you need the people, you need the energy and [all] this you can definitely share on a much broader base. A certain technology could start with the Adidas brand and be introduced to Reebok a year later.
Q: There is a perception that Adidas represents the German engineers, the BMW of running shoes, while Reebok (RBK ) is more the style of the street. Is that true? After all, you come from Procter & Gamble (PG ), not BMW.
A: But we have just announced a cooperation with Porsche! I would say for the Germans [the perception] is a clich?that was right in the past. I m not sure it s correct now. We are definitely the more dedicated sports- performance brand which wants to be the leader in innovation and bringing new technological performance products to the market. Whereas Reebok is much more the American sports and lifestyle- and music-inspired brand.
Q: You said the brand identities are going to remain separate. Do you see the brand identities changing at all?
A: No, I don t think so. We will definitely be the sports-performance brand rooted in more European sports like football. Reebok is much more linked with American sports such as baseball, American football.
Q: How do you make sure you get the synergies and, at the same time, keep each brand s identity?
A: I believe the brands are very complementary. Start with the geographical areas. Reebok is stronger in the U.S. than we, but we are much stronger in Europe and Asia. When you look at sports categories...they are very strong in women s business, [especially] women s aerobic fitness. We have the individual sports, running or tennis.
The consumer base is different. We go to the real athletes and sports performance people, where Reebok is more linked to fashion and music. Reebok is definitely much [stronger] with the black urban market, where we don t have a consumer base at all.
Q: Which departments do you put together and which do you keep separate?
A: The front end, marketing and sales, we will keep separate. All the back office, administration, we definitely will combine. We definitely can do a lot. It starts with our buying power in the media, and sourcing. We are sourcing close to 5 billion euros ($6.15 billion) in products. There must be synergies you can take out.
Q: For instance, you would have joint media buying, but the creative side of your advertising will stay separate?
A: Exactly. When it comes to media buying, of course we will use that to get some economies of scale.
Q: Let s go back to how this got started. You and Reebok CEO Paul Fireman first met at the Athens Olympics last year?
A: I ve known Paul for several years and we had met before on several occasions. We were for business reasons both in Athens. We had a cup of coffee. We talked about the business, about the market, and of course about the U.S. because we both are not happy about our position in the U.S. vis-a-vis our main competitor [Nike (NKE )]. This I would call the starting point.
[Afterward] we stayed in contact via telephone. Then, I think it was in November, I was over in the U.S. and I called Paul and said, "Do you have time for lunch?" We were sitting together -- and then the idea really became reality. And the intense discussions started.
Q: What was the most difficult part of the Reebok negotiations?
A: I do believe for Paul it was an emotional decision as well because this is his baby, he founded the company, he built it up -- to sell it is not so easy. But he is a very professional business guy. You can see he felt, "If I want to see my company growing in the future and staying healthy then it is better I go together with somebody." It was clear the obvious partner for him was Adidas.
Q: Why will this work better than your acquisition of Salomon [the ski and sports equipment maker which Adidas is in the process of selling to Finland s Amer Sports Corp.]?
A: I hope we have learned out of the Salomon acquisition what went well and what went wrong. It s fair to say within Salomon that the Taylor Made [golf products] part went extremely well. The Salomon part didn t run so well. The winter [sports] and hardware business is a different animal than the sneaker and apparel business.
The Reebok business -- this is what we ve been doing for 75 years, marketing sport shoes and apparel. We know all the players in the industry, we know how to produce, we know how to market, we know the retail partners. We know the strengths and weaknesses of Reebok because our job was to analyze our competitors. This is definitely a different thing than eight years ago.
Q: Do you expect the move you have made to prompt other moves in the industry?
A: I personally believe consolidation will continue.
Q: Any ideas about what kind of deals we might see?
A: I don t know. Everybody was speculating yesterday whether Nike is buying Puma.