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2005-10-04 14:34:53 来源:美联社 中国鞋网 http://www.cnxz.cn/



     William McCall
     “我们都知道这不可能一夜而来,即使你把所有的事情都做好了,你也不可能在12个月里改变世界。” 阿迪达斯美国公司的总裁和CEO斯坦明格说,他同时还担任德国母公司阿迪达斯-萨拉蒙的全球营销总监。
     “我们不准备支付他们想要的任何数额。” 斯坦明格在谈到与詹姆斯的谈判时说。
      当被问及在与足球明星大卫.贝克汉姆(David Beckham)签定赞助协议的时候是否也有限制的时候,斯坦明格笑了。


     “我可以告诉你一件事情,它不是关于价格的”他说,并补充道阿迪达斯的创立者安迪.达斯勒(Adi Dassler)在20世纪早些时候在德国是与足球一起成长起来的,你甚至可以在1950年代在赛场上看见他本人,为了给运动员做更好的鞋子。
     “我没有看到锐步将如何能够帮助他们与耐克之间的竞争。”一个名叫杰克.特劳特(Jack Trout)的资深的体育营销顾问说,“这是否意味着耐克将不能够获取大球星的垂青?我表示怀疑。”
     (英文原文引自The Associate Press,编译:Rainpoem)


                                                 Adidas CEO charts his strategy
     PORTLAND, Ore. - Plotting strategy in his office 10 miles from the headquarters of archrival Nike Inc., Erich Stamminger contemplates what it’s  going to take for Adidas to knock Nike off its pedestal as the No. 1 shoe and apparel company in the world.
    “We all know that this does not come overnight. Even if you do everything right, you will not in 12 months change the world,” said Stamminger, the president and CEO of Adidas America Inc. who also serves as global marketing chief for its German parent, Adidas-Salomon AG.
    Adidas is mapping out ways to beat Nike at its own game after announcing last month that it will buy No. 3 Reebok International Ltd., based in Canton, Mass., for $3.8 billion.
     Even combined, Adidas and Reebok will still trail Nike in annual sales - $8 billion for Adidas and $4 billion for Reebok last year - or a total of $12 billion compared with $14 billion for Nike. But the merger, if approved, will instantly add a good chunk of the domestic market to Adidas, which has always competed head-to-head with Nike around the rest of the world.
     Adidas, with about 9 percent of the U.S. athletic footwear market, will get an additional 12 percent share from Reebok - for a total of 21 percent compared with about 36 percent for Nike.
     It could also boost the bidding for the top athletes in every sport, industry analysts say.
     Stars who have not yet signed major deals, such as D.C. United soccer player Freddy Adu and golfer Michelle Wie, for example, along with “a handful of others are now in a great position because they will take advantage of what may not be a bidding war between the two companies but will certainly be a much more compelling race,” said David Carter, founder of the Sports Business Group, a marketing firm.
     Adidas has resisted paying top dollar for celebrity athletes or has been outbid by Nike in the past - including for NBA star LeBron James, who made headlines in 2003 when he signed an endorsement contract with Nike worth an estimated $90 million.
     “We are not ready to pay any amount people are asking for,” Stamminger said about the negotiations with James.
     “We set ourselves a limit. But it finally came down to the money. It just went beyond our limits.”
      He said that Adidas could have afforded to outbid Nike but started talking to James at about half the final price before eventually dropping out.
     When asked whether there was a limit to the endorsement deal Adidas signed with soccer star David Beckham, Stamminger laughed.
     “I can tell you one thing, it was not about price,” he said, adding that Adidas founder Adi Dassler grew up with soccer in Germany in the early 20th century and could even be seen at matches personally changing shoes for players well into the 1950s.
     “Soccer is our No. 1 priority,” he said as digital display outside his office counted down the minutes until the 2006 World Cup. “This is our lifeblood.”
      Choosing athletes for Adidas endorsement contracts is a study in making sure the athlete’s potential is a good fit for marketing plans and product lines, Stamminger said.
     But he declined to talk about how good a fit Reebok will make as a corporate addition to Adidas, citing Securities and Exchange Commission restrictions on executives involved in a pending merger.
     Some analysts are already speculating whether it will be a good match, citing some of the problem marriages among big companies recently - including another famous German-American pairing, DaimlerChrysler, and other difficult mergers such as Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, Disney and ABC, and Time-Warner and AOL.
     “I don’t see how the addition of Reebok helps them in their quest to run against Nike,” said Jack Trout, a veteran sports marketing consultant. “Does this mean Nike is not going to get their hands on the big athletes? I doubt it.”




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