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休假信函例句 中国鞋网 更新日期:2010-01-20 16:41:31 浏览:12381 【大字体  中字体  小字体】 【打印

  1、I feel very tired.我觉得很疲惫。表示精疲力竭,过度劳累时可以说:exhausted、fatigued、burnt-out.

  例句:The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just burnt-out.


  2、I am sick and tired of it!工作时发牢骚说“烦透了”,

  例句:I'm sick and tired of junk mail.表示我对那些垃圾电子邮件真是厌倦透啦!

  3、Do you think it's because of insomnia? 你认为这是因为失眠吗?


  例句:I know some one with insomnia who only gets two hours of sleep each night.我认识一个患有失眠症的人,他每天晚上只能睡上两个小时。

  4、It's time for me to apply for some leave.现在该是我申请休假的时候了。

  Leave:Official permission to be absent from work or duty请假、休假、假期、准假。

  例句:He had six weeks' leave.他有六个星期的休假。

  The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff.人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请。


  It's time for sb to do sth是做…的时候了。比如:It's time for us to knock off.是我们下班的时候了。

  5、He is going on holiday tomorrow.他明天要去度假。

  On holiday等于on vacation,表示度假。

  比如接到一个找正在休假的同事的电话时,就可以做出如下回答:He's on vacation this week.他本周休假。He is on vacation until next Wednesday.他休假到下周三。

  无限扩展:也可以用to be off。比如He is off today.他今天休假。

  6、I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week.我有点想家了。我想休息一周与我的家人团聚。

  7、I’m afraid I can’t come to work today. I’m not feeling well.我恐怕今天不能上班了。我觉得很不舒服。

  8、I’ve been really busy for a long time. I need some rest.我忙了好长一段时间,我需要休息。

  9、I’m asking for a week’s leave to prepare for my wedding.我要请一周假,因为我要结婚了。

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